Design Graduate

Product Design
Below showcases a myriad of projects in full completed throughout the course of my degree under a variety of different briefs and requirements.
Arduino Case
For this assignment we were given the brief of creating an enclosure made to contain an Arduino circuit with a VMA01 attachment
Please find the PDF of this project Here
This Product Design Assignment involved the development of a speaker, both physically and digitally.
Please find a PDF of this project, Here.

Design Visulisation
For this design brief, we were asked to evaluate the functionalities with a product of our choosing. We then were asked to take the product apart piece by piece through sketches and adobe illustrator.
Please find a PDF of this project, Here.
Out of the Box Experience
For our out of the box experience assignment, Our group was given a Tens Machine and asked to research,
compare, investigate, ideate and finally develop a solution to improve the product based on our findings. A Tens Machine is a electronic medical device used in order to relive pain in
muscle areas.
Please find a PDF of this project, Here.